Well friendster decide to add some advertising on their blogs, so I decide to move back to here, in the brink of desperation, I who once again feeling down in my life, read an interesting article (well for me at least), its about my origin as Indonesian chinese, I'm half Chinese actually, but I can't read or spoke Chinese, even that I had a Chinese name I don't know how to write it, or spell it.
Shakespare once said "What is a name". But name is quite important; I think it is a name that made us unique to other human rite? Imagine if we don't have a name, how can we distinct our self from the others?
In other point of view though, this is not entirely my fault, that article further reveal the reason why most Indonesian Chinese of my generation (especially from Java Island) are unaware of our true origin and culture. Our parent can't pass down their culture because of anti Chinese law enacted by our past goverment .Well our current goverment is much more tolerant about Chinese culture, and some of those law of discrimination are lifted, and then here I am, the “lost generation ". Great things that my descendant can learn their ancestor culture and origin without discrimination