Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Done it

I had passed my Thesis trial with a B grade! not bad, wew I thought my trial will be a massacre or something, but it just like that, a bit nervous at the start but then I back to my usual self, B huh...not bad considering that the thesis is actually done in just 17 hours nonstop ^^;


Ok, I'm nervous here, 2 hours before the trial and my partners isn't here yet, and it made me more nervous, we haven't discussed what to talk to the juror.....argh,,,,,

In the other hand, I successfuly put a tie on myself yay! first time in my life...

The Battle

This is it, this is the trial day for my thesis, and my mind is not set yet, and got a cold and stomache too, but I'll be fine I guess, with my Faith I always do

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

The Trial

The trial is tommorow, at noon, am I ready? I don't know, I try to memorize but the information just pass me by, I need to calm myself I think

Friday, January 21, 2005

Idul Adha

Well this day is Idul Qurban, which mean a lot of animal will be sacrificed, doesn't agree or disagree about it, but the thesis trial is in 5 days, had to prepared it right, In the other mater Mey got a stomache, I hope she will be all right soon

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

New Era

My thesis is actually done, I just wait for the trial, thats quite a relieve, so that now I can concentrate on my works, Live is unperfect, unfair and cruel, but some people would say that because of that, Life is Beautiful

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year

Happy new year 2005, wow time flies like an arrow, had quite good time at ipin place for old and new, and now I must made a new resolution for this year, start with new paradigm for my work, in a way, I made up my mind not to send useless SMS again.