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"A great revolution of character in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society, and further, will enable a change in the destiny of humankind." -- Daisaku Ikeda, The Human Revolution
lost the first challenge, but there is someone to cover me so...,today is Payday!!so life is a little bit easier....
Ok..I'm a die hard fans of FF7..and the latest news I get is..a MOVIE??? for FF7??FF7 sequels is a movie? check it here, wow..the plot said to be 2 years after meteor Aerith stayed in her eternal slumber?
changed the comment system, using haloscan by now..., ok last week I "almost" won on woke early, so this week I had to prevail!hereby I declare this week as an "embracing challenge week",
I get scolded by my manager today, concerning many computer had problems...but honestly I already do what I can to fix it, but apparently I'm facing hardware problems..out of my reach, those are old computers..uh well , I consider that as a minor problem, he main problem is our slow and lame, that means no online gaming..which mean less income of course, my comrades from soka came and we discuss about upcoming music seems that we had alot to do..and I do mean a lot...
Finally a real date !fiuh..a happy day..woke up in the morning..a little late thou.."Zaimu" day at vihara ,finished my duty as an...elevator boy..then make an offering..for the first time , then got a vcd about our first Asian culture festival for peace..I'm there^^ for about 3 second or so ..but its me^^ and I'm very proud that I'm participated on that culture festival.. a privilege to cooperate with great people at Soka Indonesia..then a date ..its fun..except for a little annoying photobox accident ,but the rest is fine fine fine^^, day off for this day so I enjoyed my full sunday,especially after I Knew that AS Roma won 3-0! yay..thats complete my day!
well..why is this? Looks like I lost my will on making a new inspiration I guess, so I will stuck with this template for time being, my manager didn't come this at least on my shift...Its kind of... small freedom on its own kind ^^, add more script to this blog...
Ha! finnaly i'm using my key BCA, my bro want to buy a cellphone and I sent some money for I transfered the fund by online banking, rather convenient I guess, today.....ok it seems that woke early is not really a problem..the main problem is..after woke early..go to the bathroom and then start your day...thats the main problem....need a new spirit for that..yesterday i left my key on Mey's I can't access my room today^^;...Watch a movie this day ..Dicky Roberts :former childstar..funny hillarious and a good movie to see...typical love conquer everything with funny off for tommorow ...
Changed from Tag board to smiley but with ...this is it I guess..Revolution template is final now..I don't think I will dig this more..I'll work on new template by tommorow
Q) Is the name you have now the same name that's on your birth certificate? If not, what's changed?
ehm...finally activate my key BCA, so I can do online transaction now....wonder if I ever use it..I'm so attracted to new technology..even if I'm rarely or never ever gonna use it..but I still had to own it(new techno means more money of course) it..ego? btw treating Dede and Pau cancelled since Dede got a stomache and Pau refuse to go with just two of us,got a confirmation from Ota-san that I'll have morning shift for next Zaimu day, so I'll be at Vihara till 12 or so..then..a date ^^...Can't wait for that...
Hate Gays!!!..their presence are annoying..well I knowthat I'm not here to judge people..but I just hate them...obtained some new Javasript code..and finally solve that link colors problem..see..I can do it ^^, found an interesting site Blogskins so..actually I don't have to through all this hard time...uh this hard times I whats nexts? new layout maybe? we'll see about that..we'll see...
Oahm....woke at 12 or so...skipped a lecture, fortunetely the lecturer didn't make it, so its ok, finnaly introduced Mey to Pau, got Batik shirt from Dede....(this Shirt should belong to me 6 month ago...)and still so confuse about this blog layout..i'm sure that i'm using too many colors and too bright pallete...but i'm sooo bad at deciding that comment link ... there is a time in our live where we think that "..this is it..this is all I can do.."..but I know that I can do more..I know that I can advance this is back to the root of all failure..lazyness...arghhh
Argggghhh....the link colors for commenting text refuse to change!..well with my limited knowledge that is....and I think I used to many colors......or is it too bright?
well this is it I guess...I did blog...not perfect but its fine by me...., even if so slow to load^^; well couldn't help it..with so many script run on this page
Sleep All day long...quite nice ..lately i'm not in to computer/console gaming..since my work won't allow me to play that kind of games, and with current connection at my gaming is also can't be played,thats why I have time for this blog thingie....but then again...learning something new is always fun...the magic of learning...which mean I still alive, so its a fair trade
New Layout Released, along with comment system as well ,good enough?wish someone could tell me
Fiuh...finally its cleared, the mess cleared, together again..and I found a way to fight those miscal bombardment, t310 had a restrict all incoming call abylity and only receive from number that stored on a list ,so I don't have to worry about missing a call from someone important...well..not exactly like that , but its fine...better than ignoring all incoming calls,holiday for tommorow....
Meta testing..succed! thanks to Ratri this blog goes banner free^^, adjusting some color to the sidebar....not good I guess, need more inspiration
Here I am, after a glorious woke up(even Yoga called to woke me up..he keep his promise), my first winning of woke early in this term,quite relieving since I had difficulty to sleep ...I slept at 4 or so..but then.. the lecturer not show up..what a waste.. got a companion next week I wont be "Abstaint"
I do a lot of thinking, it seems that Roma got tied with Juve! well thats not so bad so YAY!I'm a big fans of Roma...back to the main line...okay it seems that mey is upset not just because I'm not picking up her call..rather than seems like this is about a girl bugging me , so its back to the oldest problem of all..jealousy? anyway...I should clear this problem out By tommorow ..I had to!a little problem like this should not stand in my life
Uhm...the problem get bigger......which was unexpected at all.....speednet down for almost 8 hours or so....Its so funny how things works..sometimes we don't even know whats wrong...things just goes to the wrong way, small problem could be grown to be very a bigfire start from a small to learn...
Actually my life is getting my pray were answered..therefore I will countinuing my faith so failure at overcoming problems is not an option, Because with my Faith I know that I will advance further , start with a step..such as..overcome my lazyness...
I moved this blog from aerithsu to berkut, since...well I used Berkut as nickname and its easier to type berkut than aerithsu rite?...I guess Mey still upset at me....gee....what should I do? I Called Anna back and ask her to meet in person, hopefully I can cleared this mess when we met
Arghhhh that anna/dela combo really messed up my life..since they bombard me with private number miscal, I turn on silent on my hp and leave it aside, but then Mey call..since I still thought that anna/dela keep bombard ipin came discussing about avoid deletion of my priest I completely ignored the phone ...well and in the end Mey is upset since I didn't answer her call. ..and now she had her revenge I guess...she wouldn't answer my phonecall -_-... That anna/dela..I had to do something about them...
A news from RO fellows, unusual chara will be priest uses a jump skill utility provided by Revemu, and jumped 2 skillpoint ,while it just a minor "cheat" but if its tracked my priest will surely be deleted, so..even thou lately i'm rarely play her because of my current internet connection but she's my life for about 4 month or so, thereby her deletion will be...sad..I hope I still can safe her, but with this current internet connection...I can't even login to see her....asking help from Ipin...wonder if he succed...hopefully yes... manager just arrived..uh well...Its quite a freedom on its own kind when he's not around
My sight is so blur today...wonder why? need a glasses for sure, maybe I'll have it by next week, this is not good...
Defeated!! is predicted i guess...i came up with new idea which is instead of slept and can't woke about didn't sleep at all? so..there I some stupid movie( jason x, the core) which is funny..well at least for me a stupid horror movie like jason x is really funny..I can't stop laughing..but at 6 or so..I 'm fallen....well..and woke at 7 is almost imposible....shame on me..again....
Woke up early!!must do that..but when my manager was out of the customer is the enemy >.<, stubborn customer...hate that..but they're the king....but I had to woke early....really miss those days when woke at 5.30 is programmed on my body....
Yay! it finnaly came back to me, my lost account book...under my bed..what a shame, ..which mean...I can withdraw my money..fiuh..having money and can't even touch it..that sucks...skiping another lecture...but it is quite fine i guess...I still can made it, sure of that, its funny how things works my manager goes out of town for 3 that i can close earlier...nice...had to woke early for tommorow thou...wonder if i succed?well..My will be done!
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Third Level of Hell!
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Moderate |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | Very High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | High |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | High |
Level 7 (Violent) | Low |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Low |
Mey got a fever this day, at dawn she seem fine thou, thats good, i'm sure that she's too tired, need a good rest...but all I can do is bugging her ^^;,meet with pau this day, she's more chubby than ever :D..uh well..I got chubby myself as well thou ,Got a "keybca" a calculator like gadget that generate random pin for online transaction...still wonder if this will be used..uh least i had problem with the fund still not solved yet..
At dawn till midnight, this Speednet is so lame....., as a result..I no longer can play RO at night....another reason why I want to move on
Lately, things went not too well, like I lost my atm card, with the account book as well..which mean i have to go to semarang to clear that out, also the fund on the account is frozen..for time being..must think of something to pull that fund, things also went bad at works..., problems came and go...but somehow I'll manage to rule them out, hope so...
well...the cards are sold!, even thou i got tricked, and i though that I lost something, but in the end, i still got profit, so its ok i guess, this day is Yayip B'day,i hesitated to made my task ,but the lecturer didn't come -_-, uh well at least i made it for this day, one step closer !
well I just heard a news , It said that Grand opening of semarang kaikan was postponed till next year?I don't know the details, i got an explanation from one of my best friend(which is of course will be my version)that the old problems concerning organization still intact, communication between Jakarta and semarang were in some what one way. Jakarta did not get the feedback that they need, jakarta only listen from 1 person, which is not represent semarang, as a result...uh well.this is a turn ovr, since..if keikan opening were postponed, my travel to semarang will also be postponed, so does my confession to my mom, actually this is what i wanted..that I don't have to confess to my mom ..but not this way I guess...
uh well day off postponed for 2 weeks again?that damn manager of greed..but RO got connected again..not good enough thou, but its fine for selling SS cards...hope the transaction went well
I supposed to had a day off this day, since speednet supposed to be down..but don't know yet, yesterday was rather fun, going out to krwc, failed to go to Bc thou...uh to go now
Internet connection down from dawn till i have nothing to do, well Ipin played my chara and got another SS card! wow seems like my priest got "SS Card came to me" tatooed on her forehead^^ is true that if your luck came , youll never guess where it came from ,unexpected place^^;...uh well....
from 24:00 ICS deactivated, even with this 64k connection only used by servers ,still so slow..wonder why? why is our connection so lame? no glory left with this isp
another aerith cosplay^^, this one is my 2nd favourite..since she is cute...and i believe that this 2 photos are the same person..right?
11 , 2 year after the tragedy at wtc...Argh..this Dela girl keep bombard me with misscall again,..with vengeance..wonder who she really this some kind of revenge?, i miss a subject again this day..since my ability to woke early temporarely disabled^^;
I just read an article that said human need at least 8 glass of water everyday, If this condition failed to achieve, our body will absorb water from the nearest source..which is happend to be our blood, bloods that had less water will had less O2 and stuff..which mean less O2 for our brain..which is not good, to think of it..a rerely drink waters^^;, and to think of it again my memory is so bad..particularly on it happend that....nah...that couldn't be true...are they?
well couldn't help it, but at least feel a little refreshed,I ripped my bag, need to buy a new one,maybe tommorow, some computer show the same problem as the problem is not the os, hardware level? hope not...diagnosting whats wrong at hardware level is sucks...
5.30...not all done but this cybercafe will works partialy , so rest is assured for tommorow...tired...
It should be a collosal sight that 15 computer cloning simultaneusly, but not! 7 computer refuse to restart..and 1 failed at cloning stage.which mean...more work to do >.<, whyyyyyyy..uh well at least got 7 that worked...better that nothing ....
i think this task will ended about 2 hours again..which means about 6 o'clock at morning...but still its not all done yet..there still minor thing to do tommorow. 3 computer need manual cloning, and programs for cashier tired...lonely exactly..wish someone here by my side
still at this cybercafe, that big boss of mine decided to change all client os to winxp, since the prototype went well, but guess what, i'm all alone to reinstall 17 computer to winxp, using a corporate ghost that would need about 3-4 hours..but i made a stupid mistake..sleepy i guess.. mistaken cybergamesnet- as cybergames- seems a little mistake but it means i have to reinstall all the programs reconfigure...another hour wasted....
thanks to pau..for being a dictionary^^, galeon works..but slow as hell..uh well, its free so ..
link from ...often doesn't seems that direct link is not supported, need a replacement host
Actual First day of the semester and i can't woke up^^;shame on me., so i missed my first subject..since its so early in the morning(well for me at least)..and last in this morning, it seems that i'm so agitated somehow and couldn't sleep, and failure to get up early is written on my forehead^^, btw Mey call me this morning and said that she is sick...well she could be too tired, wish she will be alright soon
whats this? another girl calling me? this one is Dela? how did they get my number anyway? something fishy here....and this one is really annoying, miscal with private number, so she must use IM3, and wont say anything...
Hey this is a cosplay Female priest from Ragnarok Online(which is happend that my chara is a female priest)
wow...I almost forget that my area of life is so crowded that traffic jam is part of my regular life, well on holiday traffic jam is rare, but now ..wohooo.. well i'll get used to it in no time,you can count on that
ok i'm saturated...speednet goes lag crazy again..this is and day and i despise my job more and more, ok its an easy task,like someone just pay me for playing internet, but with some consequence, which is..only a day off in a month!...really tired, also with low salary as well, really need a new paradigm for my work....
well i used to be aerith crazed and die hard, there was a time when I used a stolen cc and want to buy ok..i'm not proud about that just a curiousity which i wont do again...its criminal...)which is still taken by somebody i ended up with is unregistered by now($100...maybe later if i had spare money)and now is taken by a girl who is more crazed about aerith?..well good for her thou....
HA!! finally speednet admit that they had a problem with their connection to IIX Elektrindo(wonder what that is^^;), thereby its not our(or me..) failure that access to local site and online gaming are disbanded, so my manager can't blame me anymore..thats will be his fault to choose speednet!this is first day of this semester, some of my friend can't graduate this year because of a stupid forgot to take some subject or failed on another and forgot to retake they had to retake it..which mean graduation is next year for them^^..well thats a lesson, hope i'm not do that kind of mistake....oh and this morning my friend who uses my character at RO got a SS card..which mean 2 things..more money..also that Dede and Kyo had to bow before me ,and why is that? because of their quote like this "Dapet SS card lagi gue sembah lo!!". Gyahahhaha!got them!!
"Kick The
A boy walked down his well kept street. He finished an early
morning soda.
He kicked the can.
"It just isn't fair" he mumbled.
"I should have brand new clothes today"
He kicked the can.
Day of school, ALL the kids are wearing the best off the rack"
He kicked
the can.
He thought of the stain on his week old pants, washed clean,
by his mother
He kicked the can.
"How can I wear this to school?"
"What will others think of me?"
He kicked the can.
Thinking of
lunch, he checked his pocket for money. Enough for fast food.
He kicked
the can.
"Other kids are so lucky"
He kicked the
A boy walked down his street. The garbage man forgot
a soda can.
He kicked the can.
"It just isn't fair" he mumbled. "I
wish I had new clothes to wear today"
He kicked the can.
first day of school, ALL the other kids are wearing new stuff"
He kicked
the can.
He looked at the small hole in the knee of his jeans. "Maybe
they won't see."
He kicked the can.
He checked the brown bag to
see what his mother packed for his lunch.
He kicked the
"Other kids are so lucky"
He kicked the
A boy saw a soda can in the street. He thought of
turning it in.
He kicked the can.
"I wish I had something else to
wear today, the first day of school."
He kicked the can.
His shirt
was worn, but not too many holes, but they seemed big to him.
He kicked
the can.
He wondered if people would be able to tell he got his
lunches at school for free.
He kicked the can.
He put the can in
his pack, he would get the money later.
He kicked a stone.
i'm far from there but at least its a start, btw one of my friend won at warcraft wcg competition and will be sent to korea..gratz for him LMS.feral
a girl keep calling me, said that she was bored and had nothing to do..but she keep caling me almost every hour...that made me uncomfortable..especialy if she call at morning.....
New semester begin tommorow.....well back to boring routine again, i've lost this day...lost at a beggining of the semester..hope this is not a bad omen
hm... yesterday blogger is down? well i try is shameful that i'm no good at html..still confuse..but i'll learn for sure
winxp service pack 1a, that damn service pack, 125mb , our internet connection is very2 bad right now, normally 5 hour will be enough to get that 125mb, but with our current problem..2 days..and guess need a valid registration key(which is absurd for now..since all winxp copy are illegal here, you may assume that 90% winxp at indonesia had the same registration key^^;, even though there is a law enforcement about intelectual asset, but most of indonesian can't afford or rather not buy the original one,since pirated one is much much cheaper, my manager included.. ) , by the way if any of you want to use speednet as a provider, please reconsider, that ISP sucks,