Thursday, June 02, 2005


All this time, I was a solid Individual, I will face all my challenge all by my self, my faith made me that way, but when I'm down...And alone...I write, its one of my way to release pressure inside, but then I had someone , I had to share my life, at first I always keep it for myself, all the feeling inside, me that always try to help and understand, little by little I reveal myself, that I too had problems, I too can be overwhelmed by problems, I too lose my temper....And try to had support, different kind of support, I'm not that kind of person who can just said what's inside of me when I'm down...I don't want to be alone, just a presence of someone I care by my side is enough, someone that can understand , I will reveal it with the time, so please just stay with me and believe in me, It will raise my spirit up and gave me strength to move on.

seems that I aim to high , revealing my downside is not wise , maturity is not a gift, maturity is something that must be learned through hardships , so in the end I still had to depend on my self , I am what I am , I need to reconsider how I manage my life from now on , its not the time yet to depends on my love life to resolve my downside, another way to found a resolve , another way to raise up my spirit. I guess my love life is not yet mature, need a lot of learning, I lose my faith this last half year...I seriously think it should be reinstated


At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may be times whereby I'm not sensitive enough to your needs. You can be sure that you're never alone.


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