Guess What..I do had a phobia, well its natural right? To be afraid of something, but when we had excess of fear...We wont be a fear factor champs...Well not that, but when that happenp Joe wont give us 50 grant....Ok..Something definitely wrong with my head...In a way..I had a lot of fear with Caterpillar(a specific ones) , but then I just Realized it today..I also don't like something or someone bite my legs!, It somehow reminds me of my childhood when a dog bite my legs..And I guess it carved in my head that I don't like it..(who'll like it anyway get bitten by a dog?) and somehow if my leg get bitten that memory somehow came up..And really made me react differently, in more rough way, at different occasions,I already sent another application, and need a photo...I'll work it out somehow...

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